Tag Archives: Tea

Tea Publicity!

There is nothing more exciting for a new business owner than getting unsolicited publicity.  It sends a thrill of excitement through the veins; especially when friends notice it for you and share their congrats.

I can’t adequately convey what went through me Tuesday morning when several friends emailed to say they’d seen Traveling Tea mentioned in “The Daily Sauce” (see below).  Unsolicited praise does a body good! 

Thank you to those lovely, secretive shoppers from Sauce Magazine.sauce logo



Tea to You

Kateri Meyer is a tea toddler and proud of it. Her new business, Traveling Tea, will have you sipping teas by the teapot. For years, she explains on her Web site, she wanted to see a good tea shop. Like all good entrepreneurs, she stopped talking and just did it. While you can taste her selection of mostly organic and fair-traded loose-leaf teas from India, China and Japan – to name just a few – Saturdays at the Tower Grove Farmers’ Market, Meyer wants to bring tea to you. Traveling Tea can provide fresh-brewed tea at any public event. How about an in-house tea party for a few of your best friends? What a fun way to learn about tea and sample new flavors. And the best part of all, no one will have to buy cookware, candles or wine.