LONDON 2024 – 6th Installment – Tea Stop #5

Chinese Tea Company

Juyan Webster is the founder of The Chinese Tea Company. She was born and raised in Zhejiang Province, China. Click here for more about Juyan

This is the Chinese connection that I was hoping for. I spent more than an hour discussing teas and sampling a couple of puerhs. Juyan is PASSIONATE about tea – and she Really Knows her tea – she is my Chinese version of Rajen Baruah in Assam India.

I am so confident and thrilled about the Very Special teas I brought back from her shop. Some of these teas I could only get very small quantities. I will send out an email soon about the upcoming sampling session that I want to arrange so we can share the “cream of the crop” so to speak. All of the teas that are available for purchase have been set up in our register and can be purchased in shop now.

Look for a ripe and a raw puerh, a more rare Tie Guan Yin (from the oldest tea bushes used for this type of tea, growing on one of the highest mountains in the area), as well as a very special Snowbud green tea – that is only available because of Juyan’s resources. It is a tea not normally exported because only a small quantity is made each year – and primarily enjoyed by the locals – from new growth leaves plucked while there is sometimes still snow on the bushes

Last installment coming soon SUMMARY

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