London 2024 – 2nd Installment – Tea Stop #1 and Jessica’s Wedding

Tea Stop #1 – Scottish Grown Tea “Nine Ladies Dancing”

For nearly 2000 years tea was primarily known to be grown only in China (and Japan circa CE 804). In the 1800s adventurous explorers and botanists began to bring seeds and plants to other countries so China would no longer have a monopoly. Now, in the 21st century tea is grown on nearly every continent of the world.

The United Kingdom boasts tea gardens in Cornwall and Wales and then, around 2016, nine Scottish women got together and began the process of growing tea on their estates.

It is my understanding that each of their tea gardens produces a limited amount of hand-crafted teas; and a few years ago they made tea news by getting their “Nine Ladies Dancing” tea blend (with leaf from all 9 farms) picked up by Fortum & Mason (UK provisioner-grocer-department store in operation since 1707). These limited edition teas sell out quickly and are impossible to get outside the UK (as far as I can tell). Visiting F&M to procure some of this tea was my #1 goal for this trip.

 Oh my, it is expensive – 60 grams (slightly more than 2 ounces) is all they had available at the time I was there; with the exchange rate (at F&M prices) it cost over $3 per GRAM. 3-4 grams are used to make a cup of most black teas (!).

Fortnum & Mason Premium Tea Counter

I look forward to exploring this tea with you – and to get feedback – IS There sufficient interest in this super premium exclusive tea that I should invest in 8-16oz, to sell in more affordable small trial and gift size portions? …. I Could do this – maybe not this year anymore, if they don’t have any left, but in the future???

We will be scheduling 1 or 2 sampling sessions soon. Guests will get an opportunity to taste this Scottish grown tea, as well as a number of other teas from this trip, as will be described in the next several installments. Invitation/Announcement will go out via email to our existing local customer list.

JESSICA’s Wedding – on the Isle of Portland, at the very southern end of England.

I hauled my luggage down this hill, and down these steps!
Old church remodeled into a B & B rental
Side view – This building housed all of Jessica’s friends and family + Adrian’s best friends for the wedding weekend.
Mr and Mrs Adrian & Jessica Wilkie

THOUGHTS? COMMENTS? Messages for Jessica you would like me to pass on? Add your messages on this post.

Next installment Tea Stop #2

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